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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 13-17

A Study on Sugarcane Production in India

T.S. Krishnamoorthy Durgesh Nandhini,Venkittanaranappa Padmavathy

1.Lady Doak College, Madurai, India
2.The American College, Madurai, India

Citation :T.S.Krishnamoorthy Durgesh Nandhini,Venkittanaranappa Padmavathy, A Study on Sugarcane Production in India International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany 2017,3(2) : 13-17


India is the largest producer and consumer of sugar in the World. About 45 million sugarcane farmers, their dependents and a large agricultural force, constituting 7.5 percent of the rural population, are involved in sugarcane cultivation, harvesting and ancillary activities. This enabled India to become the largest producer of sugarcane and sugar in the world leaving the other major producers Brazil and Cuba.1 The major sugarcane crop growing states in India are Utar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, Haryana, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The sugarcane cultivation and sugar industry in India plays a vital role towards socio-economic development in the rural areas by mobilizing rural resources and generating higher income and employment opportunities. The major problem of sugarcane in India is based on monsoon and water supply. The cyclical nature in sugar production has caused distortions in the export of sugar in India. This study analyzes the state-wise production and reasons for the changes in production of sugarcane in the time period of 2000-2010.

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