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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2016, Page No: 8-16

Influence of Hydrodynamic Cavitation on Rheological and
Transportable Properties Viscous Crude Oils

V. H. Nurullayev1, G. G. Ismayilov2, B. T. Usubaliyev3, S. T. Aliyev4

1.Candidate of Technical Sciences, State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) Engineer of Quality Control Department 28 Khodzhala ave., Baku, Az 1025 Republic of Azerbaijan
2.Doctor of Technical Sciences Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry Professor of Oil and gas transportation and storage Department, 225, D. Alieva, Baku Republic of Azerbaijan.
3.Doctor of Chemical Sciences Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. Research Institute of "Geotechnical problems of oil, gas and chemistry", Azerbaijan, Baku, 225, D.Alieva.
4.Graduate student, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Graduate student of Oil and gas transportation and storage Department, 225 D. Alieva, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

Citation : V. H. Nurullayev, G. G. Ismayilov, B. T. Usubaliyev, S. T. Aliyev, Influence of Hydrodynamic Cavitation on Rheological and Transportable Properties Viscous Crude Oils International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering 2016, 2(2) : 8-16


The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies on the mechanical activation of viscous oil, which confirmed the effectiveness of cavitation on their rheological properties.The major making source of raw materials of oil branch stocks heavy and bituminous crude oils are. Improvement of technologies transportations it is, caused by their high resource potential. Considering problem urgency, from our party experiences on influence studying cavitation on formation asphaltene - pitch - paraffin adjournment on an internal surface of the pipeline have, been spent. The possibility of an intensification of process of influence of chemical reagent by cavitation for decrease in viscosity of oil is established. Results of pilot studies on complex influence of chemical reagents and cavitation on viscosity crude oil with various structural and group structure are received.

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