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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries
Volume-2 Issue-5, 2016, Page No: 1-4

Preliminary Study on the Fisheries Catches in South China Sea via Light Falling-Net Fishing Method

Qiaer Wu1,2, Gang Yu1,2, Zhenhua Ma1,2* Shengwei Ma1 Shaosen Wu1

1.South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Guangzhou, China
2.Key Laboratory of South China Sea Fishery Resources Exploitation and Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture, Guangzhou, China

Citation : Qiaer Wu,Gang Yu,Zhenhua Ma,Shengwei Ma,Shaosen Wu, Preliminary Study on the Fisheries Catches in South China Sea via Light Falling-Net Fishing Method International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries . 2016;2(5):1-4.


This study reports a preliminary study on the fisheries catches in South China Sea via light falling-net fishing method. A total of 30 survey locations were evaluated from Paracel Islands to Spratly Islands sea area in South China Sea. Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, Thunnus albacares, Katsuwonus pelamis, and Decapterus maruadsi were the most frequently caught species. S.oualaniensis was the domain species in fishery catches in this study. The highest fisheries caught was 20 t in Paracel Islands (15º41.861'N, 111º14.767'E), and the catch per unit effort (CPUE) and fishing rate (K) in this survey location were 3.80 t/time and 1164.95 kg/h, respectively. The value of both CPUE and K varied from Paracel Islands to Spratly Islands. Results from this study will provide useful information on fishery resource assessment and developing fishery resource in South China Sea.

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