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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-3 Issue-5, 2016, Page No: 37-43

Oxidation of Gabapentin by Potassium Ferrate (VI) in Alkaline Media-Kinetics and Mechanism Study

Hongru Liu1,Dan Wang2, Jinhuan Shan1*

College of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Hebei University, Key Laboratory of Analytical Science and Technology of Hebei Province, Baoding, 071 002 Hebei, China

Citation : Hongru Liu, Dan Wang, Jinhuan Shan, Oxidation of Gabapentin by Potassium Ferrate (VI) in Alkaline Media-Kinetics and Mechanism Study International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2016;3(5):37-43.


In the present research, the reaction kinetics of Potassium Ferrate (VI) with gabapentin were studied by using spectrophotometer. The reaction was determined under alkaline condition at the different temperatures of 288.2K-308.2K. All data was obtained from the pseudo-first order reaction. It was found that the reaction is a first-order for reactant. The observed rates constants (kobs) increased with increasing [reductant], however, increasing [OH-], the kobs decreased. The reaction is negative fraction order with respect to [OH-]. The reasonable mechanism has been suggested to explain the experimental data. The rate constants of the rate-determining step and the thermodynamic activation parameters at 298.2K were calculated.

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