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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2016, Page No: 6-11

Geophysical Investigation of Ground Water Using Vertical Electrical Sounding and Seismic Refraction Methods

M.O Ehigiator1, Philomina Okanigbuan1

1.Benson Idahosa University, GRA Benin City, Nigeria.

Citation : M.O Ehigiator, Philomina Okanigbuan, Geophysical Investigation of Ground Water Using Vertical Electrical Sounding and Seismic Refraction Methods International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering 2016, 2(1) : 6-11


Identification of aquiferous zone, their geo-electrical characteristics and the delineation of ground water as an aid to evaluate where bedrock would be conveniently established in Ibusa in Delta State; were carried out.. Two vertical Electrical soundings (VES) using Schlumberger electrode configurations were carried out in Ibusa (Ezuku) in Delta State. They were interpreted with computer iteration. Interpretation of the two VES courses obtained gave a five to six layered earth of the study area. The resistivity of the first layer (weathered zone) ranges between 59.76Ωm and 100. 500Ωm. The resistivity of the second layer ranges between 140.10Ωm and 714.50Ωm and has an average depth of 12m. Resistivity of the third layer ranges between 125.50Ωm and 92.87Ωmand has an average depth of 72m. The resistivity of the fourth layer ranges between 405.70Ωm and 865.50Ωm and has an average depth of 23.7m. The resistivity of the fifth layer ranges between 307.20Ωm and 428.30Ωm, with an average depth of 51.07m. The resistivity of sixth layer ranges between 728.80Ωm and 1683.00Ωm. Seismic refraction survey, aimed at delineating the geological structures, was carried out for both geologic and hydro-geologic significance. This method was used to detect the signal to noise ratio in the study area using seismic refraction method, the depths were found to be low compared with the depths from activity method. No aquifer was found in the study areas; as a result, it would be advisable to have a wider spread of cables while carrying out further researches in this area.

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