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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 9, 2014, Page No: 63-74

Entrepreneurial Government: Causal Relationship between Transaction Costs and Value for Money

Hamisi K. Sama 1, Philibert C. Ndunguru 1, Mutahyoba D. Baisi 1

1. Procurement and Supplies Department, College of Business Education, Dodoma Campus, Dodoma, Tanzania
2. Faculty of Science and Technology, Mzumbe University, Mzumbe, Morogoro, Tanzania
3. Department of Finance, University of Dares Salaam Business School, Dares Salaam, Tanzania

Citation : Hamisi K. Sama, Philibert C. Ndunguru, Mutahyoba D. Baisi, Entrepreneurial Government: Causal Relationship between Transaction Costs and Value for Money International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(9) : 63-74


This paper examines the potential effects of Entrepreneurial Government on Transaction Costs and Value for Money in public procurement. In this survey design study, data were collected through administered questionnaires to public procuring entities while soliciting responses from a significant number of respondents. As the variables in this study have multiple relationships Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), a subgroup of Structural Equation Model (SEM), was used to analyse the data. Preliminary results indicate that, there is a significant relationship between entrepreneurial governance in public procurement to transaction costs and value for money

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