Career Prospect of HRM in Least Developed Countries: Bangladesh Perspective | International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research

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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Page No: 30-40

Career Prospect of HRM in Least Developed Countries: Bangladesh Perspective

Khaled Mahmud 1, Tasneem Tarannum 1, Syed Mustafizur Rahman Chowdhury 1

1. Assistant Professor Institute of Business Administration University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
2.Lecturer Northern University Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh
3.Assistant Professor Northern University Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh

Citation : Khaled Mahmud, Tasneem Tarannum, Syed Mustafizur Rahman Chowdhury, Career Prospect of HRM in Least Developed Countries: Bangladesh Perspective International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(8) : 30-40


This study whirls around career prospect of Human Resource Management (HRM) in Bangladesh. Extensive survey was carried out among the professionals of different levels from varieties of organizations and the information was analyzed to find out the position of HRM profession compared to Finance and Marketing. The study analyzed the survey information on the basis of six different criteria such as getting the job faster, flexibility of job switching, opportunities of going up through the ladder, job satisfaction, training facility and starting salary. The survey shows that HRM professionals start their careers with higher salary, they switch jobs more frequently and their job satisfaction is more compared to Finance and Marketing professionals. The survey also reveals that job satisfaction is higher for HRM professionals compared to the Marketing and Finance professionals. But the advertisements of jobs for HRM positions are relatively low compared to Finance and Marketing.Through the analyses it tried to bring into light the intrinsic problems and latent prospect of HRM as profession

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