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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 6, 2014, Page No: 29-41

Hots Using Quranic Verses in English

Dr Lubna Almenoar 1

1.Assistant Professor of English Department of Humanities and Social Sciences College of Science and General Studies AlFaisal University, Saudi Arabia

Citation : Dr Lubna Almenoar, Hots Using Quranic Verses in English International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(6) : 29-41


HOTS- Higher Order Thinking Skills type of questioning is a recommended instructional strategy used to elicit elaborated responses of various cognitive levels. Questioning is a skill of inquiry which can be done at different cognitive levels and therefore a possibility of a wide range of different responses can be expected. The levels of responses can vary according to the level of language proficiency and ability to express oneself. This interrogation is essentially an investigative opportunity for an elaborated response. Besides this, these questions promote and develop critical thinking skills. These questions are used in teaching as a strategy when students have reached a level when they find it not challenging enough and thus it becomes no longer acceptable for these students to respond to the low-level Wh questions

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