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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 5, 2014, Page No: 87-98

Quality of Working Life and Productivity: An Overview of the Conceptual Framework

Diogo Jose Horst* 1, Evandro Eduardo Broday 1, Roberto Bondarick 1, Luis Filippe Serpe 1, Luiz Alberto Pilatti 1

1.Department of Production Engineering (PPGEP) Federal University of Technology - Parana

Citation : Diogo Jose Horst*, Evandro Eduardo Broday, et. al., Quality of Working Life and Productivity: An Overview of the Conceptual Framework International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(5) : 87-98


This study aimed to discuss some relationships regarding the Quality of Working Life (QWL) and human productivity performance. For this, a bibliographical review was raised achieving the theoretical foundation to support this discussion, the research question was: in nowadays is already possible to think in an effective quality of working live dissociated from productivity? From results, we evidenced that substantial loss of productivity was related with absenteeism presenteeism and several workdiseases, consequently decreasing the health and welfare of employee's. Moreover, the management of quality must influence the decisions of employee's, thus enhancing their commitment and insuring selfwellness, ergo increasing their productivity. Concluding, the harms which afflict humans are the result between the combinations of their work development with their lifestyle outside of work

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