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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 4, 2014, Page No: 38-47

Tutoring in Open and Distance Learning: Challenges in the Use of Internet Based Platforms in Two Selected Regional Centers of the Zimbabwe Open University

Richard Bukaliya 1, Gift Rupande 1

1.Zimbabwe Open University, Mashonaland East Region, Marondera, Zimbabwe

Citation : Richard Bukaliya, Gift Rupande, Tutoring in Open and Distance Learning: Challenges in the Use of Internet Based Platforms in Two Selected Regional Centers of the Zimbabwe Open University International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(4) : 38-47


This survey was carried out at the Zimbabwe Open University`s Mashonaland East and West region and sought to establish the challenges affecting the full implementation of internet based tutoring in ODL. The population for the study was 28 tutors and 700 students. A stratified simple random sample by faculty of 50 respondents was used for this study. Data were solicited from the respondents through telephone interviews and questionnaires. Results from the study show that a number of factors have affected the full utilisation of internet based technologies in tutoring. Socio-economic factors such as salary levels of respondents and cost of the gadgets affect adoption and use of the internet based platforms. Most learners did not possess the basic ICT gadgets such as computers. The younger respondents, however, have embraced the electronic gadgets more than the older generation which is fearful of the new technology. The study, therefore, recommended that there be training in the basic computer usage. The institution should provide gadgets at district centres to reduce on the distances travelled by students. Students need assistance to facilitate acquisition of ICT gadgets from the providers at concessionary rates as has been the case for tutors

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