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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 4, 2014, Page No: 19-29

The Role of Students in Quality Assurance in an ODL Institution: The Case of Zou

Trust Nyenya 1, Gift Rupande 1

1.Zimbabwe Open University, Mashonaland East Region, Marondera, Zimbabwe

Citation : Trust Nyenya, Gift Rupande, The Role of Students in Quality Assurance in an ODL Institution: The Case of Zou International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(4) : 19-29


This survey was conducted to establish the role of students in quality assurance at the Zimbabwe Open University. Since the participation of students in quality assurance is the same throughout the university, Mashonaland East Region was used involving all the 300 registered students as the population. While a random sample of 20 students was selected for participation. Fifteen members of the past and present student representative council were selected through convenience sampling and these were interviewed individually. Document analysis was conducted on ZOU Quality Policy Manual and ZIMCHE and analysed qualitatively. The study established that ZOU has got a strong policy on student involvement in QA. Also ZOU QA has structures, which however, do not include students, such as at Quality Management Systems Review and Academic Committees to allow them to take part in the decision making process. ZOU QA systems provide for student participation through feedback mechanisms, but do not take part in internal reviews. Results also show that the feedback mechanisms do not include formative evaluation on overall student experiences of their university life. Furthermore, students are not conversant with levels and forms of student involvement in QA processes. In view of the above conclusions, it was recommended that the ZOU Quality Management System structures should involve students from the Regional structures to the National Centre structures. The SRC should also have QA representatives at Regional and National Centres and SRC QA representatives should take part in internal reviews. The SRC should also produce a formative evaluation at the end of year covering all the student experiences of their university life. There is also need for the SRC to work in partnership with the university staff produce a students' charter that will facilitate both service delivery and evaluation by students as they receive the service

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