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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Page No: 37-49

Innovation Performance of EU Countries in Selected Dimensions and Position of Turkey

H. Mustafa Paksoy 1, Sadettin Paksoy 1, Mehmet ozcalici 1, Yunus Kaymaz 1

1.Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Kilis 7 Aralik University Kilis, Tiurkey

Citation : H. Mustafa Paksoy, Sadettin Paksoy, Mehmet ozcalici, Yunus Kaymaz, Innovation Performance of EU Countries in Selected Dimensions and Position of Turkey International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(3) : 37-49


Innovation, "to do something new and different" in Latin means "innovare" is derived from the root. The simplest definition of innovation is to develop different, varied, and to apply new ideas. These ideas can be developed to solve a previously unsolved problems or in order to meet previously unmet needs. Or these ideas are aim to do more beautiful, more useful, more benefit products and services that already exist. Innovations are done with the implementation of these ideas which are products, services or methods of doing business, and then subtracting the sale of these products and services or methods of doing business. Process of innovation is defined as transformation of knowledge to economic and social benefits. Therefore innovation is a whole that composed from technical, economic and social processes. The demand for change of individuals and society requires openness to innovation and the spirit of entrepreneurship which is a culture. The basic elements of this culture are social structure, educational level, the accumulation of capital and economic and social policies. Innovative place of Turkey in EU may be examined with these basic elements. The results obtained here may shed light on discussing full EU membership of Turkey because innovation is an important factor for developing

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