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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 10, 2014, Page No: 22-35

Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Relationship and Customer Behavior. A Case Study

Alessandro Ruggieri (PhD) 1, Cecilia Silvestri 1

1. University of Tuscia "Viterbo" Department of Economics and Management (D.E.Im) Via del Paradiso, 47 01100 Viterbo

Citation : Alessandro Ruggieri, Cecilia Silvestri, Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Relationship and Customer Behavior. A Case Study International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(10) : 22-35


If one of the aims of TQM is customer satisfaction, we can affirm that with dissatisfied customer quality does not exist, but the positive perception of a product/service cannot ignore quality.It is quality that generates customer satisfaction that leads to a competitive position (Reed et. al, 2000).This research aims to demonstrate how to identify the different cluster of customers relatively to quality. Satisfaction also depends on the quality of the product or service.We use a methodological statistical approach; an empirical survey was carried out with a research questionnaire to collect data and a descriptive and multivariate statistical processing was performed.The research has proved quality and satisfaction are linked and different groups of consumers are related to quality dimension.The research needs to be carried out in other shopping centers to validate the outcome. The paper demonstrates that a construct combining quality and customer satisfaction exists, related to specific service sector, though debated in the scientific community

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