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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 1, Issue 8, 2014, Page No: 13-24

Power Flow Control Using Bidirectional Dc/Dc Converter for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Power System

D. Dharuman1, C. Thulasiyammal2

1.Master Scholar, Department of EEE The kavery Engineering College Mecheri, Salem, India.
2.Asst Professor, Department of EEE The kavery Engineering College Mecheri, Salem, India.

Citation : D. Dharuman, C. Thulasiyammal, Power Flow Control Using Bidirectional Dc/Dc Converter for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Power System International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2014, 1(8) : 13-24


This project presents a control strategy for the operation of solar energy generation integrated with grid. Boost converter is used to achieve maximum power extraction from the available solar power. DC-DC bidirectional converter, which is connected between batteries bank and DC-link voltage is used to control the power through DC-link voltage. It is also used to make the batteries bank stores the surplus of solar energy and supplies this energy to the load during solar power shortage. The load side voltage source inverter uses a relatively complex vector control scheme to control the output load voltage in terms of amplitude and frequency. Also the power generation is feeding to the grid when excess power generation. The control strategy works under different solar radiation as well as with variable load. Extensive simulation results have been performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation studies.

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