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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Page No: 46-53

Design and Implementation of a Vehicle Theft Control Unit using GSM and CAN Technology

Ch. Bhanu Prakash1, K. Sirisha2

1.Assistant Professor, ECE Dept Malla Reddy Engineering College Secunderabad, A.P, India.
2.PG scholar, DSCE Malla Reddy Engineering College Secunderabad, A.P, India

Citation : Ch. Bhanu Prakash, K. Sirisha, Design and Implementation of a Vehicle Theft Control Unit using GSM and CAN Technology International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2014, 1(4) : 46-53


This project deals with the design & development of a theft control system, which is being used to prevent/control the theft of a vehicle. The developed system makes use of an embedded system based on Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) technology with CAN bus along with RFID system. The RFID reader will be interfaced with the microcontroller through serial interface to detect the hospitals, hotels, petrol bunks, temples etc. The developed system makes use of an mobile phone that is embedded in the vehicle with an interfacing to Engine Control Module(ECM) through Control Area Network(CAN) Bus, which is in turn, communicated to the ECM. The proposed system can be implemented using keil software.

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