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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Page No: 8-11

Avant Grade Patient Monitoring Vigilant System

Kiran Kishore.V1, R.Sai Manogna1,G.Sheik Sabir Ali1,J.Jaya Shankar1

1.Assistant Professor, Department of ECE BITS-KNL, JNTUA, Kurnool, A.P. India.

Citation : Kiran Kishore.V, R.Sai Manogna,G.Sheik Sabir Ali,J.Jaya Shankar, Avant Grade Patient Monitoring Vigilant System International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2014, 1(3) : 8-11


In health monitoring system in the hospital needs to be continuously monitored by the doctors or other staff of the hospital. These health monitoring systems include heart beat monitoring system, saline monitoring system, temperature monitoring system and many such systems. Where continuous monitoring and parameter checking is required. Most of the current health monitoring systems has interfaces like monitor, LCD display and some control switches. It is impossible for the doctors and other hospital staff to continuously work only for single patient. These interfaces are fixed and connected to the health monitoring system using wires.

In our project we are providing the display of these interfaces to the doctor using wireless network like Zigbee. The characteristics of Zigbee i.e. low power, low cost, range up to 100 meter and network forming ability make Zigbee technology an ideal choice for wireless monitoring network in the health monitoring systems. In our project we have developed ARM based monitoring system with the Zigbee and GSM for monitoring the sensors i.e. temperature sensor, heart beat sensor, level indicator. Our system continuously sends the information to the doctor terminal which is having the Zigbee enabled system. So that a doctor can monitor patient's health condition by sitting in his chamber itself. In the same way we can send patient health information to their family members as SMS to theirmobile phones.

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