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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 7, 2018, Page No: 102-115

Characteristics of War Threats (Causes, Effects and Ways
to Counteract Them)

Dr.Jan Pilzys

University of Szczecin, Department of Humanities, Institute of Political Science and European Studies, Poland.

Citation : Dr.Jan Pilzys, Characteristics of War Threats (Causes, Effects and Ways to Counteract Them) International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(7) : 102-115


The author's task is to show that society and the achievements of civilization are the basic point of reference to the phenomenon of war. They have a strong impact on contemporary political, social and military realities. They can start, deepen or end any bloody conflict. Each of them is very complex and at a given moment in time in many parts of the world multiplies victims and causes huge material damage. According to the author, the emergence of new conflicts and the persistence of old ones depend on several conditions, i.e.: disproportions and imperfections in the potential of states, inability to exercise effective control over their territory and population by the rulers, ignorance of the rulers with the sovereign's voice, functioning of bad international law, mixing of cultures and religions - resulting in the disintegration of states and their civilizations.

The escalation of conflicts causes them to turn into a war that engages others, spreading destruction, fear and anxiety of an uncertain future. According to the author, the helplessness of companies, including state and world institutions, does not mean the disappearance of survival. Therefore, the author hopes that with his reflections, observations on the nature of war and its military threats he will contribute to a change in the way decision-makers think about war, which is not the final solution to problems.

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