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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 7, 2018, Page No: 81-92

Teachers' Perception of the Guidance and Counselling Needs of Secondary School Students in Delta and Edo States of Nigeria

Dr.Egbule E.O

Department of Guidance and Counselling, Delta State University, Abraka Nigeria.

Citation : Teachers' Perception of the Guidance and Counselling Needs of Secondary School Students in Delta and Edo States of Nigeria International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(7) : 81-92


This study investigated the perception of teachers on the guidance and counselling needs of secondary school students in Delta and Edo states. Three research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted an ex-post facto research design and a sample of 1,921 teachers from Delta and Edo states were selected from a population of 19,205. The method of data collection used in the study is a questionnaire, which was properly validated by lecturers in Guidance and Counselling Department, Delta State University, Abraka and a reliability coefficient of 0.74 was obtained for the instrument using Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient. The data was analysed using mean and standard deviation for the research questions and independent samples t-test was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result revealed that the perception of teachers from Delta and Edo State on the guidance and counselling needs of secondary school students is high, with teachers from Delta state having a higher mean rating than teachers from Edo state. The result also revealed that there is no significant difference between male and female teachers on the guidance and counselling needs of secondary school students as well as a nonsignificant difference between teachers from urban and rural areas in their perception of the guidance and counselling needs of secondary school students. It was recommended among others that Teachers shouldcollaborate with school guidance counsellors for the proper overall development of the students.

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