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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 57-62

Students-Teachers Education and Social Justice: A Case - Study

Ass. Prof. Sousanna Maria Nikolaou, Dr.Monika A.Papa

Department of Primary Education, University of Ioannina, GR 45 110 Ioannina, Greece

Citation :Ass.Prof.Sousanna Maria Nikolaou, Dr.Monika A.Papa, Students-Teachers Education and Social Justice: A Case - Study International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2017,4(4) :57-62


Teacher education is responsible not only to prepare the teachers to teach, but also to constantly pursue the resolution of social problems locally and globally. This paper is presenting the data from a study conducted with 4th year students, who are to become teachers. The purpose of the study was to determine the perceptions of the aspiring teachers concerning social justice issues. Moreover the study is researching the level of understanding young teachers have about the idea and the content of social justice. Also the study pursues to understand who the main factors are for shaping this perception concerning social justice. Furthermore and within this frame the subject of how the gender affects the understanding of inequality is also taken in account. The data were collected with the method of structured interview and their analysis reveals the following: a) they shape their perceptions about social justice through the definition of social injustice, b) social justice is about treating students from different social class or origin (refugees) equally, by giving equal educational opportunities, reducing inequality, providing equal learning environments, c) when authority is unjust and creates situations of social injustice the emotional and psychological impact is profound, d) a teacher must evolve social justice throughout his teaching and by using democratic practices such as: fair of unfair with the students, a free and democratic spirit in the classroom, open discussions and dialogue about social and political issues, empathy, student centered teaching methods, although they believe that teaching and nurturing social justice is not an easy task, e) no differentiations were noticed concerning the influence of gender in behavior (equality, social awareness and social responsibility).

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